The Tao Of Badass: It’s Not What You Think It Is

Is the Tao of Badass for you? Give this a read and find out for yourself …

Everywhere you look there’s either a television commercial or new bestseller for women on how to find the perfect guy. Now there’s nothing wrong with that because believe me, as a woman I can tell you we need all the help we can get!

But what about guys? I mean, some of the tactics men have used to get my attention were so bad I swore I was on some kind of “hidden camera” show. Scanning the room for Ashton Kutcher or Howie Mandel! Or being out at a bar and watching some guy make that long walk all the way across the bar to ask a girl to dance with him only to be rejected!

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that she said no, or having to watch him make that long walk back … alone!

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that she said no, or having to watch him make that long walk back … alone!

Can the Tao Of Badass really help you score with hot women?

I’m always trying to help out some of my guy friends when it comes to dating. After all, as a woman you would think I’d know a little something about what to say or not say to women right? Well, apparently not, because nothing I tell them seems to be working with these guys.

I mean really, listening to my guy friends whine about not having a girlfriend day in and day out was starting to get brutal and a bit awkward if you know what I mean.

Initially I just wanted to learn enough information to just give my guy friends some pointers. But the more I looked into it, the more I realized that this Joshua guy …

So I decided to do some research on my own to see if I could help them out.

That’s when I came across a book called The Tao of Badass – Everything You Need to Know to Be a Badass With Women. The title itself got my attention right away. It was created by a guy named Joshua Pellicer. Initially I just wanted to learn enough information to just give my guy friends some pointers. But the more I looked into it, the more I realized that this Joshua guy really does know a lot about getting women.

Tao Of Badass Goes Beyond Just Picking Up Women

The Tao of Badass isn’t about being a jerk trying to get every woman you meet into bed. It covers how to deal with the most common situations which also happen to be where most men go horribly bad. This guy has a lot on how changing your body language can increase your chances of attracting women.

Honestly, I never really thought about it myself but it looks like he may be on to something. A 2013 Princeton University study found that while facial expressions can be misinterpreted, body language tends to be understood loud and clear.

The Tao of Badass book teaches you how to use your body language to attract, deal with — and if you want to take it to the next level — seduce women (I guess that’s really something you’d want to learn since you want to be a player, right?).

The Tao of Badass isn’t about being a jerk trying to get every woman you meet into bed. It covers how to deal with the most common situations which also happen to be where most men go horribly bad.

Learn Some Jedi Mind Tricks

Okay Joshua doesn’t call them Jedi mind tricks but they might as well be. He doesn’t just talk about what to say to women. I mean every book on dating advice pretty much all say the same tired stuff.

However, this guy is sharing secrets that I’m surprised he picked up on when it comes to how women think. If you can learn how to communicate with women right from the first meeting, you will be surprised at how much things can change pretty quickly on a positive note. You’ll learn the finer points from The Tao of Badass.

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The video below provides a sampler of some of the tips that you can get from The Tao of Badass.

For Building Real Relationships

Another thing about this book is that it’s not about being a sleaze ball. It gives you some real usable strategies you can use to find someone you can have a long term relationship with. I think that is very cool.

There’s a chapter on how to read women so you know what to look for in order to figure out if she’s really interested in you or not. Guys just never seem to get that part right. Probably because no one ever taught them what to look for. The Tao of Badass does a great job with that. I met a guy who should have memorized this chapter!

Are You A Lover Or Just A Friend?

Oh, this section should be REQUIRED reading for every guy on the planet! Joshua shows you an easy way to know if you’re “boyfriend” material or just a “friend.” But he also tells you how to take your status from just a friend to “snuggle bunny” forever status! (My words not his LOL) Seriously, this section alone could save you a lot of time and hurt feelings.

How To Deal With Rejection

Although none of my guy friends will ever admit it. Rejection is one of the biggest reasons a guy won’t approach a woman he’s interested in meeting. I know, I know, it’s all just a bit too “touchy feeling” right? Joshua talks about rejection and how to deal with it. Maybe learning from another guy is better anyway.

What The Tao Of Badass Is Not

I need to let you know that this system to attracting women is not for everyone. If you are interested in manipulating women, then this is not for you. If you are hoping to memorize a script and fake your personality like what other dating gurus ask you to do, then this is not for you. If you fear rejection and don’t plan to put the techniques into actual use, this is also not for you.

However, if you want to be better than the average man and would like to master the art of attracting beautiful women, then this might be for you. If you want to learn the simple secrets that can make you the one all women want, then you should seriously consider this.

If you are interested in manipulating women, then this is not for you. If you are hoping to memorize a script and fake your personality like what other dating gurus ask you to do, then this is not for you …

There’s a lot more in The Tao of Badass that you can use to be a lot more successful with women. That being said, and as good as I think the book is, you have to use some common sense too. I mean, no ebook can make you or any man flawless.

Some techniques he shares will work and others won’t. However, it’s not that the techniques are flawed. It’s just that I think that the success of these techniques will depend on whether you are willing to accept that failure and rejection comes with the process of mastering the intricacies of the dating game.

Ultimately, what matters is how you pick up the pieces as you keep on practicing and applying the art of the pursuit until everything becomes second nature to you. You have to be willing to put in the work to figure out what works best for you.

It’s not a “Find the love of your life in 15 minutes or less course!” The Tao of Badass is THE ultimate guide that you will need to stay on course. Without its guidance, it will take you a longer time to realize your potential or at worst, not even realize it.

The Tao of Badass is THE guide that you will need to stay on course. Without its guidance, it will take you a longer time to realize your potential or at worst, not even realize it.

A Preview Of What’s In The System

The author Joshua Pellicer, has coached thousands of men on relationships and dating. He’s been on television shows like the Today Show and featured in major publications like the New York Times. Even he admits that he was not a naturally born master of the dating game.

It also took him a lot of failures and rejection to finally realize what works and what does not work. His powerful course is the accumulation of his years of research and experience, all packaged for you to learn and absorb within hours if you really get into it or days if you want to take your time.

This ebook is the first complete system that teaches men from the very basics to the master level how to attract, build that connection and trust, and physically turn on women.

This ebook is the first complete system that teaches men from the very basics to the master level how to attract, build that connection and trust, and physically turn on women. The best part to the whole system is that you will learn all these simple and step-by-step techniques at a fraction of the time it will take you to learn all these on your own.

Some of the core teachings of the Josh Pellicer’s Tao of Badass are:

  • How to develop a mindset for approaching women
  • How to become the man women long for
  • How to avoid the worst mistakes that men make while talking with women
  • How to display desirable body language
  • How to make women approach and chase after you
  • Understanding what women think about you
  • When to cut loose and leave, and many other more master dating tips

Need more specifics or details on these? Below is a sampling of more specific things that you will learn from the Tao Of Badass:

  • 10 ways by which you will know for sure that a woman is attracted to you.
  • For older guys trying to attract younger women, learn that one little tweak that will impress them that you are the confident and powerful man that they have been secretly looking for.
  • The one important tip on how to avoid being categorized in the “friend zone” and completely annihilate the possibility of being “just friends”.
  • How to avoid being the Mr. Nice Guy who always does not get the hot woman.
  • How to deeply connect with a woman and get her to open up and get real with you.
  • The one thing about the way you sit that instantly turns off women and how to make sure you never do this ever again.
  • The tweak in the way you walk that will turn heads of every woman you walk by and get them interested in you.
  • The top mind hacks and how you can use your brain to make women uncontrollably want you.
  • The 10 biggest and common mistakes that you should avoid that make women turn cold on you.
  • The one sentence that you can say to men and get them to become your very own personal body guards in a bar instead of having them as to compete with you with women in a bar.

When you purchase The Tao Of Badass, you will have access to the members area. Below is a screenshot of the members area, where you will have access to The Tao Of Badass ebook and all the bonuses and supplements that come with it. It’s really a information-packed, all of which you will find very useful as you learn and polish your skills.




The Tao Of Badass is 150-pages of power-packed information which you can download as a pdf file. Below is the table of contents just to give you an idea of what is in the ebook.


This is the members area download section. With just a few clicks, you can download materials, watch videos, or listen to audio files — all of which are included in your purchase of the ebook.


The book is also available in audio form so that you can listen to it on your MP3 player whenever you want to. If you do not feel like reading the ebook, you can simply listen to the audio version while you are logged-in in the members area.


You also have access to hours and hours of training videos. All of these are worth watching as they are all packed with awesome tips to help you master the art of conquering women.


If I found the body language videos really valuable and very much worth it, I can just imagine what “damage” men can do with them as soon as they start applying these sneaky ninja tricks.


Is It Worth Your Investment?

For an ebook that delivers a lot of value, The Tao of Badass is very much affordably priced. Although Joshua can offer and price this course easily in the hundreds of dollars, he opted not to. For the price of a Friday night out with your friends, you can get this ebook and get your badass dating game going.

I also suggest that you use the special discount link featured on this page so that you can get an additional 30% discount — that’s a significant amount of savings — on this eye-opening course to the art of attracting and seducing women.

Is an investment in this comprehensive, stud factor enhancing course worth it? Are you still single? Are you very much struggling to find that special someone to hang out with? Are you also someone who is looking to get laid (that’s to put it more bluntly!)?

Furthermore, Joshua throws in a lot of bonuses for FREE with his ebook, making this a comprehensive course worth more than what you are truly paying for. Some of the awesome bonuses that you will get include some additional ninja dating tricks which will complete your arsenal of dating strategies.

There is no doubt that you will definitely get a ton of value with your purchase. Shown below are all the bonuses that you will receive with your purchase:

Is an investment in this comprehensive, stud factor enhancing course worth it? Are you still single? Are you very much struggling to find that special someone to hang out with? Are you also someone who is looking to get laid (that’s to put it more bluntly!)?

If your answers to any of these questions is a “Yes”, then I’m not going to suggest you pick up The Tao of Badass. I AM going to insist on it. Look dude, whatever you’re doing right now it ain’t working.

It’s about time you take your knowledge to the next level with the help of someone who has been in your shoes and mastered the art of attracting and seducing women.

This Joshua guy seems to know what he’s talking about. It’s like he secretly eavesdropped on the minds of women everywhere to get this information. I know that’s a bit over the top, but really that’s what it felt like when I read his stuff.

Look dude, whatever you’re doing right now it ain’t working. It’s about time you take your knowledge to the next level with the help of someone who has been in your shoes and mastered the art of attracting and seducing women.

Overall, I think this guide is a must have for someone who does not know how the dating game works. Now for those who “think” they know how the dating game works, the Tao of Badass is also a must have in your arsenal of dating knowledge if you want to really take your dating know-how to the next level.

PS. By the way, your purchase comes with an iron-clad, no questions asked 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. So if within 60 days you are not happy and satisfied with the book, you can ask for a full refund … you get to keep the ebook and all the bonuses that came with it. That’s pretty much like a risk-free trial for you for 2 full months. Go ahead and find out for yourself why this best-selling book has changed the dating lives of thousands of men. Enough with the thinking. It’s time for you to take action and get your badass game on.

PS2. Do not forget to use the 30% instant discount link featured below. That savings is worth a couple of drinks you can offer some hot ladies on your next night out as a dating badass.

Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate. Click here for details.

Do you think you are better off without the Tao of Badass? Do you think the Tao of Badass could change your dating IQ and skill level? Have you used Joshua’s techniques and psychological strategies before? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with the Tao of Badass.

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91 thoughts on “The Tao Of Badass: It’s Not What You Think It Is

  1. There’s a lot to absorb from The Tao of Badass. Every little thing that comes with the way we carry ourselves is explained in the book. I wouldn’t say it’s a dating book, at least, not totally.

    1. The main reason why I became interested in the book is the fact that I wanted to learn more about how to meet women. It turns out, it’s more than that. This book offers a ton of take aways. I highly recommended it if you are thinking of getting it.

  2. To say that the book changed my dating life is an understatement. It changed my whole life because I see a lot things differently now. My attitude is so much better. No matter what the challenges are, I just go for it and take whatever I can learn from it. In other words, I can take rejection pretty well nowadays.

  3. I went on a date last week and for once in my life or at least after a very long time, my date answered my call and said yes to a second meeting. Something’s working here.:)

    1. Way to go! Just don’t rush into anything. You have to keep on reading those signs. Even if those signs are very encouraging, you just have to take it slow. I learned that hard way. I suggest you go back to the pages of the book to make sure you’re doing the right thing

      1. I get tips and tricks on my email and they’re pretty helpful. So it’s not just the book that’s a good resource here. I’m pretty happy I signed up a year ago.

  4. I must admit that the book is very amusing. It borders on common sense but it’s good that we’re reminded from time to time. If you’re curious about it, just go and read it. It really wouldn’t hurt.

  5. You got to live it to believe it. You can’t read this book and think you can’t win at life. It just totally defeats the purpose of reading it.

  6. There’s nothing complicated about the book. It’s actually very light and entertaining but you’d have to go back to it from time to time just to refresh yourself.

      1. Easier said than done. Joshua has some tactics aren’t exactly easy to do. Like turning away from a woman when she’s showing you some interest. I would totally grab that opportunity but the book says otherwise. That takes a lot of practice to master.

  7. I bought a copy for my boyfriend and hoped he would learn something from it. Well, he did. The surprising part is that I am learning something from it as well. As it turns out, this book’s not just for guys.

  8. If you think the book is instructional, you’re wrong. It’s not. Joshua narrates everything. So it’s like there’s a story behind each and every tactic. It’s a good read and everything in the book is tried and tested.

  9. You can never get this dating game perfect. You’re bound to fail at times and you just have to get up and try again. The Tao of Badass helps you get up and try again. Giving up is definitely not an option with this book.

  10. I’ll be reading and using this book until I’m 90 years old. That is, if I live that long. Seriously, this book is not just for me. It’s for my dad and for every guy out there who really wants to be a real dude.

    1. This book will forever be relevant. What I can learn from it today, will never be outdated in the coming generations. So, yes. It’s a book for every guy out there who really wants to make a positive impact when meeting a girl.

  11. Considering what you can learn from The Tao of Badass, it definitely is worth an investment. A very small investment at that! The book isn’t just about dating. NO WAY! If you are into marketing, you will learn a lot of useful tips that can help you become more credible to your clients. I think this book is a great resource for marketing folks.

    1. I actually think it’s a great resource for personality enhancement. An exciting dating life is just part of what you’ll get from reading this book. It isn’t really what you think it is.:)

  12. This is the only self-help book that isn’t boring at all. I’m not exactly a reader but I am having a great time reading it. It’s not condescending at all. It hits a spot but not in a demeaning way. It’s a cool book. I would recommend it to my friends. I give it a thumbs up.

  13. Joshua has redefined the word “badass.” At a glance, anyone would think that the book is a sleazy way to catch the attention of any woman. But as you go through the pages, you will find that wisdom and the value of the word “badass” and it’s not anything close to what it usually means. For me, this book does more than just attract a woman. It empowers you to be a better person.

  14. The truth is, no guy can ever change overnight. It’s going to take some time. There are bad habits that have to be dropped and that’s not easy to do. Even if change (for the better) happens, there’s a possibility of a relapse. My point is, make this book your guide but don’t depend on it for overnight success. Hold on to it because there will be times when you have to go back to refresh yourself. That’s the only way this book is going to work for you.

  15. I want to start 2017 right. There isn’t a woman I’m going to meet next year who will just settle to be my friend! No way! I want to turn my life around now but not until I read your book. After all, I still have a couple of weeks before 2017. I have been contemplating about getting a copy of The Tao of Badass for so long and now I’m actually going to do it. Thank you for all your reviews and most especially for the discount.

  16. I really thought the book would be some kind of cheesy and do-it-yourself thingie but it’s not. The things I’m learning from the book are valuable life lessons. I wouldn’t mind my son reading this book as well. That is, if I have a son in the future. As of the moment, I’m just enjoying getting some hot dates.:)

    1. I was thinking the same thing the first time I heard of the book. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop me from reading it and you know what? The tricks aren’t just for dating. I am also able to use the tricks during meetings and negotiations. I actually think it’s a great marketing book.

  17. I have Aspergers so reading non-verbal signs is a struggle for me as is general social interactions. This book wouldn’t work on me would it?

  18. I read the free chapter of TAO of Badass and it is interesting. However from what I understand a lot of the book focusses on physical issues such as how to stand, walk etc. I have been physically disabled since I was 11 years old and can’t control a lot of those things, what good if any would a book like this do for someone like me?

    1. Hi Dave! I couldn’t help but read your comment and share with you my thoughts on The Tao of Badass. Yes, you are right to a certain extent. The book tackles physical issues but it doesn’t really focus on it. You’d be surprised on what the book really focuses on. I just want to tell you that it doesn’t really matter if you have any kind of physical challenge. It’s really all about character and you’ll find that out soon as you get hold of the whole book.

      1. @Dave Ryan is right. The Tao of Badass is for every dude who wants to have a healthy dating life. Don’t be discouraged, Dave. There are women who look beyond disabilities. You just need to learn to attract the right kind of woman but don’t worry because the book will help you. Keep your spirits high, Dave 🙂

        1. Well said T.B. I totally agree with you. There are cool women out there who are a lot smarter than the ones who go around with designer clothes and shoes. Actually TOB is going to help you stay away from those kind of women. 🙂 If you read TOB you’re going to realize the most important thing about dating and that’s to be human. It’s not about being cool or anything, it’s simply about being human and being real.

  19. I got pretty tempted to get myself a copy of Tao of Badass after reading your article. I want to change my status from being a boring friend to a “snuggle bunny.” Now, that’s a good one:)

    1. You’re right! Snuggle bunny is a good one and I would love to be one to be one as well. So I also got myself a copy of The Tao Of Badass. It sure the hell rocks!

  20. I have been trying some of the badass tricks from the book and I must say that I’m getting some very promising results. I wish I had gotten hold of this book sooner.

  21. It’s easy to think that The Tao of Badass is some kind of chauvinistic dating book for desperate guys. You’d be surprised because it’s not.

  22. This, by far, is the most comprehensive review of The Tao of Badass. You covered everything I wanted to know about the book. Actually, you covered more than I was expecting. Thanks very much for that!

  23. I am taking advantage of your discount coupon because I’ve been really wanting to get a copy of The Tao of Badass. I heard so much about it. Thanks for your in-depth review.

  24. Thanks for your writeup on the Tao of Badass. Finally, I found a review worth thinking about. I’ve been reading about it on other sites but I couldn’t really see any logical need for it. The other sites I’ve been on just don’t give any information about the Tao Of Badass. Thanks for all the information and the discount link you provided.

  25. I thought it was just one of those quick get-a-girl guide. But since I’m a desperate dude trying hard to make a good impression on the girls on the campus, I thought of giving the Tao of Badass a try. The tricks work but it’s more than that really. It’s more about the overall feeling of self worth. The concepts I’m learning from the Tao Of Badass I think applies to life in general. Really awesome and powerful stuff.

      1. YES! The tricks really work. I’m able to meet awesome women and I’m actually able to talk to them. But I’m still struggling with the friend zone. I need to work harder but yes, I’m meeting a lot of interesting women.

  26. Thanks for your insights and comprehensive review of this dating guide. I’ve been looking around for an in-depth review and I’m really glad I found your site.

  27. I’m very excited to get to the part where I can finally figure out if the girl I’m dating is really interested me. Thanks for the instant discount.

  28. Whether you’re looking for a serious relationship or for some quick fun (if you know what I mean :)), this book will show you how to find it.

  29. The Triangulation technique from Mr. Pellicer is the bomb! That shit works. I tried it the last time I went out with a girl who I’ve had a crush on for the longest time. Then came the opportunity to “triangulate” and BAMMMM! We started making out and MORE (yes, MORE) in no time. That alone makes my investment in the book worth it. A few valuable tips here and there from TOB can really make a big difference. If you are still on the fence in getting this book, I say go for it. If you don’t like it, you can always get a refund. To me, this is gold.

    1. That triangulation technique is a dead giveaway. You just got to go for it soon as the chick gives you that signal. It works all the time!

      1. It did take some time for me to get it right though. I would freak out each time I thought I noticed the dead giveaway sign. I just didn’t know what to do until one day, I just went for it and it worked like heck!

  30. Here’s my suggestion to you guys, if you really want to practice all the tips from Joshua, DO NOT practice it on just any chick! You guys need to choose the right chick! If you don’t, you’ll end up with so many women, some of which you don’t even like! Be careful!

  31. I see your point in saying that The Tao of Badass isn’t about being a jerk that wants to sleep with every woman. But hey, this book sure helps…if you get what I mean 🙂

  32. Regardless of whether you are looking for just a straight pickup or finding someone special, this simply works! I met a hot girl at my friend’s party just the other day and we ended up at her place that same night. She says that I am such a “bad boy” and she just loves it. I just used one of the simple tips I learned from the book and it worked. To think, I still haven’t even finished the whole book and all the videos that came with it. I’m a believer. Thanks so much Mr. Pellicer!

  33. My favorite part in the book is about compliance, Apparently we shouldn’t be too compliant with everything a girl says because that only shows how insecure we are. This is totally the opposite of what I had thought all along.

    1. The good thing about the book is that it helps us control our actions and feelings towards the girl that we really like. I think that’s the badass part about it but it works!

  34. The Tao Of Badass wasn’t exactly what I thought it was. Now that I’m learning a lot about body language, this book is just so much better than I thought it would be.

  35. The Tao of Badass wasn’t what I thought it was. I really thought it was just some kind of crappy book. But a friend of mine told me about it and I got intrigued. The Tao of Badass rocks!

  36. If we can think it, we can be it! That’s pretty much the message of The Tao Of Badass. We can’t always think we’re losers with women. Because that’s not true. Surely there was one time when we were successful with a woman. We just need to focus more on that.

    1. You’re absolutely right. I’m still on the confidence part. A big chunk of it is about mindset. As soon as you proclaim and submit your new belief, your mindset changes. I like that.

  37. So much has been said about The Tao of Badass. But most of what’s being said is focused more on how to get a girl. But the big part of it is actually about love and how to keep it going. I’m on it now and it’s an eye opener. I wish my dad read it!

  38. The first time I came across The Tao of Badass, I thought it was just one of those dating books for losers! But with so many of my friends raving about it, I had to see for myself what it was about. Apparently, the badass is a good thing. This book transforms men into real men! This book makes sense! I specially like the part where it talks about body language. We can say so much with this silent language. According to the book it’s an invaluable skill and I agree!

  39. The Tao Of Badass system is pretty common sense but that’s not to say it’s easy to follow. It really does take practice to be a badass with women.

    1. It’s s good system and it’s not just a system for dating. I think The Tao of Badass system is good for any kind of relationship. It’s a good resource that can be used for a very long time.

  40. Unfortunately most of the time, our words aren’t aligned to our body language. TOB can really help us align our body language to our words. It’s important that they are congruent.

    1. Obviously, you’re already reading the book. Yes, it’s important that our body language is congruent with our words. But that’s really not very easy to do. Good thing the Tao of Badass has some easy tips to practice. Like for example, it tells us where to look if we want to kiss our date. I mean, if we can’t say that in words, at least, we can say with our body language.

  41. The exercise on confidence building is not easy to do. It takes a lot of practice to “submit” a new belief. But I’m working on it.

    1. Looks like you’re on your way to change your belief system. Keep it up. I’m still working on it as well. It’s a simple system but it takes a lot of practice.

  42. You’d think this book is a quick guide to get an easy lay but it’s not. So don’t expect a list of what you should do because you won’t get that from TOB. Instead you’ll learn how to be a better person. I totally recommend this book.

  43. This book is amazing and it’s not just about dating. It’s goes way beyond that. For me, this book is life-changing. I now realize the true meaning of confidence and how to exude it.

  44. No one understands women the way Joshua does. Heck, no one understands men the way he does as well. His book will tell you how to attract the kind of women you like because you can actually attract women you don’t like. The Tao Of Badass has all that covered.

  45. It really takes a lot to win girl over. But it doesn’t end there. It takes more to satisfy a girl. The Tao Of Badass can help us, guys, succeed in both.

  46. I’m learning so much from The Tao Of Badass. I never realized that there was a right way to touch a woman. I wish I had gotten hold of this sooner.

  47. Thank you for the free download. I read it and I couldn’t get enough of it. Now I know why everybody seems to be raving about The Tao Of Badass. Anyway, I just had to get myself a copy of the whole book I didn’t want to settle for just a chapter from the free download. The Tao Of Badass is one mean dating guide.

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  50. I thought it was enough to be a nice guy to get a nice girl. But it wasn’t. Apparently, I needed to work harder. That was why I got myself a copy of The Tao Of Badass.

  51. Seriously, this is a great dating guide for us men. I can see myself sharing it with my son, that is, if I have one…..In the mean time, I will have to work on finding a better half 🙂

  52. I have been friends with this girl for the longest time. There are times when I want to tell her about how I feel but freak out. If I can master the art of connecting to women with the Tao of Badass, then I better get myself a copy now.

    1. Dude, I’m telling you, The Tao of Badass works. I have been practicing a lot of the badass tricks and they have been very effective. I’m still working on my confidence right now but it’s the first time in my life I’m actually feeling different about myself. And I mean that positively. I recommend you get your copy now.

  53. Great article you have here. You’ve pretty much covered the essence of Tao of Badass. The thing I like about the Tao of Badass is that there are no cheap tricks to get the woman I want. The tips and advice are all very applicable in everyday life.


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